CASIA OpenIR  > 脑图谱与类脑智能实验室  > 类脑认知计算
第一,本文构建了受跨脑区反馈学习机制启发的脉冲神经网络模型。人脑中存在着大量的反馈连接,反馈连接将高级皮层的全局信息以自顶向下的方式传递到低级皮层,受此启发,本文构建了一个随机的反馈连接帮助脉冲神经网络将输出层的误差直接直接传递到之前层,同时,利用一个微分脉冲时序依赖可塑性原理来优化局部的突触可塑性。在MNIST以及Fashion MNIST上的实验结果表明,此算法达到了由反向传播算法训练的脉冲神经网络的性能。	
第二,本文构建了受脑区内反馈以及兴奋抑制性神经元平衡启发的脉冲神经网络模型。受大脑中自突触连接以自反馈形式连接胞体的启发,构建了一个自适应的延时自反馈机制作用在膜电势上来调节脉冲发放的精度;并且采用兴奋抑制性神经元平衡的机制来动态控制脉冲神经元的输出。在基于反向传播训练的脉冲神经网络上引入这两个机制后,在多个数据集上的实验结果表明,这两个机制不仅提升了网络收敛的速度,还提升了网络的性能。在MNIST、Fashion MNIST、N-MNIST数据集上,本文提出的算法达到了目前所知的最优的性能,在CIFAR10数据集上,和目前最好的脉冲神经网络相比,此网络以一个轻量级的结构达到了较好的性能。
At present, most of the neural network structures are inspired by the classic cortical anatomy to varying degrees, and the information is processed hierarchically through layer-by-layer abstraction. The cerebral cortex is the gathering area of the human brain’s advanced cognitive functions. Cognitive functions such as multimodal perception, learning, decision-making and reasoning all rely on the information processing mechanisms of the cerebral cortex. As the third generation of neural network, the spiking neural network transmits information with discrete spikes, which is more biological and more powerful in the processing of temporal and spatial information. Combined with the cortical information processing mechanism, it can better build a powerful spiking neural network. The completion of various cognitive functions of the cerebral cortex is inseparable from the integration, coordination and self-organizing control of the thalamus. As a cluster of forebrain nuclei, the thalamus receives multiple sensory information except for olfaction, transmits them to the cerebral cortex, and integrates and transmits information between cortical areas. The coordinated computing of the cortex and thalamus is the key to realize the simulation of cognitive function. 
Inspired by the cortical-thalamic pathway, this thesis analyses the macroscopic connections of the cortex to construct a spiking neural network that is affected by the cross-area feedback connections and local synaptic plasticity, and a spiking neural network that is affected by inner-area feedback connections and the balance of excitatory inhibitory neurons. For the analysis of the bidirectional connections of the cortex and thalamus, a visual classification model inspired by cortical-thalamic pathway is constructed from the micro synaptic optimization, and  a multi-cortical collaboration tracking model inspired by cortical-thalamic pathway is constructed from the macro decision-making perspective. The main work and innovations of this thesis are summarized as follows:
First, this thesis constructs a spiking neural network that is affected by the cross-area feedback connections and local synaptic plasticity. There are a large amount of cross-area feedback connections in the brain. The feedback connections transfer the global information from the higher cortex area to the lower cortex area in a top-down manner. Inspired by this, this thesis build random feedback connections to help the spiking neural network transfer the error from the output layer directly to the previous layers. A differential spiking time dependent plasticity is used to optimize the local synapses. Extensive experimental results on the benchmark MNIST and Fashion MNIST have shown that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against several state-of-the-art SNNs trained with backpropagation.
Second, this thesis constructs a spiking neural network that is affected by inner-area feedback connections and the balance of excitatory inhibitory neurons. Taking inspiration from the autapse in the brain which connects the spiking neurons with a self-feedback connection, this thesis applies an adaptive time-delayed self-feedback on the membrane potential to regulate the spike precisions. As well as, this thesis applies the balanced excitatory and inhibitory neurons mechanism to control the spiking neurons' output dynamically. With the combination of the two mechanisms into BP-based spiking neural networks, the experimental results on several standard datasets have shown that the two modules not only accelerate the convergence of the network but also improve the accuracy. For the MNIST, Fashion MNIST, and N-MNIST datasets, this model has achieved current known state-of-the-art performance. For the CIFAR10 dataset, this model also gets remarkable performance on a relatively light structure that competes against state-of-the-art SNNs.
Third, this thesis constructs a visual classification model inspired by cortical-thalamic pathway. From the anatomical point of view, there are a large number of bidirectional connections between the cortex and the thalamus. Multiple special thalamic nuclei connect the primary cortex and the higher cortex. Numerous theories suggest that the cortico-thalamo-cortical communication is crucial for global information processing. Inspired by the network topology between thalamic nuclei and different cortical areas, this thesis uses a multi-layer neural network to simulate the cortex and use additional unsupervised Hebbian learning to simulate the regulation of the thalamus on different cortex areas. The results show that, the performance under the small training dataset is higher than the network based on cortex, and it is more robust to hyperparameters such as learning rate, activation function, and the network structure. 
Forth, this thesis constructs a multi-cortical collaboration tracking model inspired by cortical-thalamic pathway. Due to the powerful feature representation capabilities of convolutional neural networks, the combination of convolutional neural networks and correlation filters has been widely used in visual tracking. Since the deep layer of the convolutional neural network contains more semantic information, and the shallow layer contains more detailed information, due to the collaboration of the thalamus on the decision-making of the visual cortex, the most import layer is selected as the basic response by using the spatial attention mechanism. The remaining responses are auxiliary responses, the temporal attention mechanism is used to determine the weight of each auxiliary response. Finally, the target is located by the maximum value of the fused responses. Furthermore, the correlation filter and dynamic importance alignment module are integrated into the convolutional neural network, and an end-to-end tracking algorithm is constructed, which achieves the current known state-of-the-art performance on the OTB-2013 dataset and comparable performance on the OTB-2015 dataset.
关键词皮层丘脑环路 跨脑区反馈 脑区内反馈 突触可塑性 脉冲神经网络
GB/T 7714
赵东城. 受皮层丘脑环路启发的神经网络计算模型[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院大学,2021.
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