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强化学习旨在通过试错的方式来获取序列决策问题的最优策略。早期的强化学习方法通常采用表格形式记录不同状态的价值或使用线性函数来逼近状态的价值,这使得它们的应用范围往往局限于一些低维问题。强化学习与深度神经网络等性能强大的函数逼近器的结合,极大地拓展了强化学习的应用场景,包括从模拟机器人的控制,到围棋等各种棋类游戏,再到以视觉为输入的各类复杂的电脑游戏等一系列的场景。然而,常见的强化学习方法的样本效率(Sample Efficiency)都较低,即它们需要大量样本才能学习到良好的策略,这意味着智能体需要与环境进行大量交互,进而导致这类算法应用到真实场景时,存在对设备的磨损过大以及训练时间过长等问题。



1.为了收集合适的训练样本以降低动力学模型的预测误差,本工作提出了一种针对规划树(Planning Tree)的每一层进行自举的强化学习方法。这种方法能够衡量动力学模型对不同状态-动作对进行预测时的不确定度,并对不确定度高的状态增加探索,从而减少潜在的模型误差。此外,本工作在更新动作价值函数时,目标值是通过对自举分布进行采样获得的,这样做可以更好地将未来和当前的不确定度联系起来。本工作还引入了先验机制以提高探索效率。实验结果表明本工作所提的方法可以有效地减少模型误差,并在多个Atari游戏上取得了比其他基于模型的方法更好的性能。





The goal of Reinforcement Learning (RL) is to discover the optimal policies for sequential decision making problems through trial and error. In the past, RL methods usually utilize tabular to record the action values of different states or approximates them with the linear function, which limits these methods to low-dimensional problems. The combination of RL and powerful function approximators such as deep neural networks has greatly extended the application scenarios of RL, from acquiring continuous control of simulated humanoids, to mastering various board games including Go, to playing a variety of complex computer games from pixels. However, the common RL approaches have low sample efficiency, that is, they need a large number of samples to learn a good policy. This problem means massive interactions with the environment and would lead to excessive wear and too long training wallclock time when these approaches are applied to real scenes.

In order to improve the sample efficiency of reinforcement learning, this paper focuses on model-based reinforcement learning~(MBRL). MBRL is commonly considered to be sample-efficient. MBRL learns a dynamics model to simulate the real environment, and uses the model to generate imaginary samples, perform online planning, or do policy search, so that it can reduce the amount of demand for real samples. However, the accuracy of the learned dynamics model has a great impact on the performances of MBRL, and model error may lead to suboptimal performance and even algorithm divergence. This paper tackles the problem of model error from two perspectives: First, adjusting the behavior policy of the agent—— collecting appropriate training samples to reduce the prediction error of the dynamics model; Second, adjusting the usage of imaginary samples——limiting the usage of the samples with large prediction error for optimizing the policy.

The main works of this paper can be summarized as follows:

1.To collect appropriate training samples, this work proposes a bootstrapped model-based RL method which bootstraps the modules in each depth of the planning tree. This method can quantify the dynamics model's uncertainty on different state-action pairs and lead the agent to explore the pairs with higher uncertainty to reduce the potential model errors. Moreover, we sample target values from their bootstrap distribution to connect the uncertainties at current and subsequent time-steps and introduce the prior mechanism to improve the exploration efficiency. Experiment results demonstrate that our method efficiently decreases model error and outperforms TreeQN and other state-of-the-art methods on multiple Atari games.

2. To limit the usage of the samples with large prediction error for optimizing the policy, this work proposes to adaptively reweight the imaginary samples. More specifically, we evaluate the effect of an imaginary sample by calculating the change of the loss computed on the real samples when we use the sample to update the action-value and policy networks. To obtain the weight of each sample efficiently, we build a weight prediction network, and design a meta-learning algorithm to train it: First, use the weighted imaginary samples to update the action value and policy networks, and calculate the difference of the losses before and after updating. Then, calculate the gradient of the parameters of the weight network with respect to the difference through the chain rule, and update the weight network with the gradient. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art model-based and model-free RL algorithms on multiple tasks. Visualization of our changing weights further validates the reasonability of utilizing reweight scheme. 

3.The second research work (refer to the previous paragraph) attempts to reweight the imaginary samples by minimizing their negative effects. However, this work still faces the challenge of underestimation. For this challenge, this work propose two solutions. The first solution expands the second work and focuses on the effects of the generated samples on the policy or value network parameters during the training process. This work still utilizes meta-learning to train the weight prediction function, but additionally selects the real samples as the references to adjust the function and avoid underestimation. The second solution focuses on the effects of the generated samples on the output results of the value network during the training process. This work builds a weight mechanism that directly compares the target values calculated on real and imaginary samples. The weight prediction network is trained based on the differences of these target values through supervised learning. This method can make full use of the dynamics model and effectively reduce the computational cost. Experimental results show that in multiple high-dimensional continuous control tasks, the algorithms designed based on the above mechanisms are not only better than the current optimal model-based and model-free reinforcement learning algorithms, but also better than the algorithm proposed in the second work.

In summary, for the problem of model errors, this paper proposes two ideas: collecting state-action pairs with higher uncertainty to reduce potential model errors and reducing the negatives of generated samples with prediction errors, and then carries out corresponding research works following these ideas.

关键词基于模型的强化学习 深度强化学习 元学习
GB/T 7714
黄文振. 强化学习中环境建模误差问题研究[D]. 中国科学院大学. 中国科学院大学人工智能学院,2021.
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