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To solve these problems, this thesis focuses on the study of NAS methods and their applications in meteorological forecasting. Methodologically, a novel search strategy is proposed to address the aforementioned problems and improve the performance of the NAS algorithm. As for the application aspect, we study the application of NAS methods in the meteorological forecasting task, considering the characteristic of meteorological big data and relative challenging problems. The main contributions of this thesis are summarized as follows:

1. A novel neural architecture search method via direct sparse optimization is proposed. The motivation of this method is to address the NAS problem in the view of model pruning. Traditional approaches treat the search problem as a black-box optimization problem, which indicates that numerous architectures are required to be trained and validated during the search process. As a result, the search cost on large datasets and complex computation vision tasks could be unaffordable. Furthermore, subjected to the applied architecture coding, most existing methods are limited to a fixed-length search space. To solve these problems, we start from a completely connected block and then introduce scaling factors to scale the information flow between operations. In this way, the search space is expanded. Next, sparse regularizations are imposed to prune useless connections in the architecture and an efficient optimization method is derived to solve it. Finally, the network structure is constructed with connections whose scaling factor is not zero. The proposed method overcomes the barrier of fixed-length coding and enjoys the advantage of high efficiency. Experiments on large scale datasets and complex computer vision tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

2. A meteorological multi-modal feature fusion network based on NAS is proposed for the meteorological forecasting task. The motivation of this work is to apply the NAS method to model the correlation of different meteorological modalities. The coupling relationship of different meteorological modalities such as pressure, temperature, humidity, and wind speed could be extremely complex in the long-term meteorological forecasting task. It remains an issue how to integrate multi-modal and cross-physical information. To solve this problem, we propose a multi-model fusion framework that consists of several modality feature learning branches and a feature fusion branch. Considering the complexity of the whole structure and the requirement for efficiency, we introduce the proposed NAS method to learn the optimal scheme to fuse multi-modal information and network structure in a purely data-driven method. Based on the multimodal feature fusion network, the encoder-decoder framework captures the temporal context and makes predictions. Experiments demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method.

3. A meteorological spatio-temporal feature extracting network based on NAS is proposed for the meteorological forecasting task. The motivation of this work is to explicitly model the dependencies along both spatial and temporal dimensions under the NAS framework. The spatio-temporal dependencies of meteorological data could be extremely complex. Spatially, meteorological data at a particular location has an obvious correlation with its neighbors. As for the temporal dimension, meteorological data exhibits both neighbor relationships and long-term periodic patterns. In this work, we propose to search spatial and temporal structures simultaneously under the NAS framework for the multi-modal meteorological forecasting task. To exploit the spatiotemporal correlation of meteorological data, the architecture distribution constraint is introduced to effectively bridge the gap of architectures during searching and validating. After that, the proposed NAS method is adopted to learn the structure of the local feature extraction module and the temporal fusion module. Equipped with the proposed multimodal feature fusion network, the proposed spatio-temporal feature extraction network is capable of extracting long-term temporal features and modeling multi-scale spatial correlation. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

关键词网络结构搜索 自动机器学习 深度学习 气象预测 时空数据挖掘
GB/T 7714
张新邦. 网络结构搜索方法及其在气象预测中的应用研究[D]. 中国科学院自动化研究所. 中国科学院自动化研究所,2022.
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张新邦-网络结构搜索方法及其在气象预测中(8827KB)学位论文 开放获取CC BY-NC-SA
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