

合作作者[TOP 5]



    内部: 19
    外部: 2203
    国内: 1744
    国外: 478


    内部: 0
    外部: 807
    国内: 769
    国外: 38


    内部: 0
    外部: 374
    国内: 370
    国外: 4



1. Analysis of Interventionalists' Natural Behaviors for Recognizing .. [507]
2. SurgiNet: Pyramid Attention Aggregation and Class-wise Self-Distil.. [485]
3. Development of a Multi-modal Interactive System for Endoscopic End.. [474]
4. 冠脉介入手术复杂自然操作行为的智能分析与应用 [446]
5. A 3-DOF Compact Haptic Interface for Endoscopic Endonasal Approach.. [421]
6. 一种三自由度触力觉交互系统及触力觉交互装置 [381]
7. Prediction of natural guidewire rotation using an sEMG-based NARX .. [376]
8. TR-GAN: Multi-Session Future MRI Prediction With Temporal Recurren.. [356]
9. 一种针对虚拟微创血管介入手术的导丝建模方法 [343]
10. An HMM-based recognition framework for endovascular manipulations [321]
11. Real-Time Multi-Guidewire Endpoint Localization in Fluoroscopy Ima.. [317]
12. 一种血管介入手术操作采集装置及方法 [313]
13. 基于光纤数据手套的血管介入手术捻转与推送操作识别的方法 [295]
14. A Real-time Multi-functional Framework for Guidewire Morphological.. [286]
15. Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Technical Skills in Per.. [282]
16. 血管介入手术机器人系统综述 [282]
17. Catheter or guide wire manipulating device for vascular interventi.. [280]
18. Space Squeeze Reasoning and Low-Rank Bilinear Feature Fusion for S.. [280]
19. Learning Skill Characteristics From Manipulations [279]
20. A Dual-Stream Architecture for Real-Time Morphological Analysis of.. [277]
21. A Multilayer and Multimodal-Fusion Architecture for Simultaneous R.. [266]
22. An HMM-based recognition framework for endovascular manipulations [265]
23. Real-Time Guidewire Segmentation and Tracking in Endovascular Aneu.. [264]
24. A Real-Time Multifunctional Framework for Guidewire Morphological .. [253]
25. An Interventionalist-Behavior-Based Data Fusion Framework for Guid.. [252]
26. A Radiomics-Based Multi-Omics Integration Model to Predict the The.. [246]
27. Principal axis-based correspondence between multiple cameras for p.. [238]
28. A Unified Framework for Multi-Guidewire Endpoint Localization in F.. [235]
29. Wow! You Are So Beautiful Today! [224]
30. RASNet: Segmentation for Tracking Surgical Instruments in Surgical.. [217]
31. Design and Experiments of a Novel Halbach-Cylinder-Based Magnetic .. [211]
32. Pyramid attention recurrent networks for real-time guidewire segme.. [204]
33. A Real-Time Multi-Task Framework for Guidewire Segmentation and En.. [203]
34. RAUNet: Residual Attention U-Net for Semantic Segmentation of Cata.. [203]
35. Multilevel relevance judgment, loss function, and performance meas.. [193]
36. Vessel Width Estimation via Convolutional Regression [189]
37. Discrete soft actor-critic with auto-encoder on vascular robotic s.. [188]
38. Development and Evaluation of a 7-DOF Haptic Interface [185]
39. Pyramid attention recurrent networks for real-time guidewiresegmen.. [184]
40. Pyramid Attention Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of.. [181]
41. Fully Automatic Dual-Guidewire Segmentation for Coronary Bifurcati.. [180]
42. BARNet: Bilinear Attention Network with Adaptive Receptive Fields .. [180]
43. TR-GAN: Multi-session future MRI prediction with temporal recurren.. [179]
44. Lightweight Double Attention-Fused Networks for Intraoperative Ste.. [168]
45. Attention-Guided Lightweight Network for Real-Time Segmentation of.. [168]
46. FRR-NET: Fast Recurrent Residual Networks for Real-Time Catheter S.. [165]
47. CAU-net: A Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Coronary Artery .. [143]
48. A Two-Stage Framework for Real-Time Guidewire Endpoint Localizatio.. [141]
49. BGL-Net: A Brain-Inspired Global-Local Information Fusion Network .. [109]
50. BGL-Net: A brain-inspired global-local information fusion network .. [104]
51. Recognition of Endovascular Manipulations using Recurrent Neural N.. [95]
52. Soft Magnetic Skin's Deformation Analysis for Tactile Perception [74]
53. An interventionist-behavior-based data fusion framework for guidew.. [60]
54. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of technical skills in per.. [57]
55. Prediction of natural guidewire rotation using an sEMG-based NARX .. [46]
56. Tracking natural guidewire manipulations with an improved data glo.. [36]
57. PCA-Based Muscle Selection for Interventional Manipulation Recogni.. [29]
58. CASOG: Conservative Actor–Critic With SmOoth Gradient for S.. [28]
59. A Novel Spatial Position Prediction Navigation System Makes Surger.. [25]


1. SurgiNet: Pyramid Attention Aggregation and Class-wise Self-Distil.. [201]
2. Development of a Multi-modal Interactive System for Endoscopic End.. [174]
3. A 3-DOF Compact Haptic Interface for Endoscopic Endonasal Approach.. [168]
4. Analysis of Interventionalists' Natural Behaviors for Recognizing .. [148]
5. Space Squeeze Reasoning and Low-Rank Bilinear Feature Fusion for S.. [114]
6. 基于光纤数据手套的血管介入手术捻转与推送操作识别的方法 [107]
7. RASNet: Segmentation for Tracking Surgical Instruments in Surgical.. [104]
8. An HMM-based recognition framework for endovascular manipulations [93]
9. 一种三自由度触力觉交互系统及触力觉交互装置 [82]
10. Prediction of natural guidewire rotation using an sEMG-based NARX .. [80]
11. A Real-time Multi-functional Framework for Guidewire Morphological.. [78]
12. 一种针对虚拟微创血管介入手术的导丝建模方法 [77]
13. 一种血管介入手术操作采集装置及方法 [72]
14. An HMM-based recognition framework for endovascular manipulations [66]
15. Catheter or guide wire manipulating device for vascular interventi.. [64]
16. 血管介入手术机器人系统综述 [62]
17. Development and Evaluation of a 7-DOF Haptic Interface [60]
18. Vessel Width Estimation via Convolutional Regression [58]
19. 冠脉介入手术复杂自然操作行为的智能分析与应用 [57]
20. A Multilayer and Multimodal-Fusion Architecture for Simultaneous R.. [56]
21. A Dual-Stream Architecture for Real-Time Morphological Analysis of.. [56]
22. Real-Time Guidewire Segmentation and Tracking in Endovascular Aneu.. [52]
23. Pyramid Attention Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of.. [49]
24. A Real-Time Multi-Task Framework for Guidewire Segmentation and En.. [47]
25. Real-Time Multi-Guidewire Endpoint Localization in Fluoroscopy Ima.. [46]
26. Pyramid attention recurrent networks for real-time guidewiresegmen.. [46]
27. Attention-Guided Lightweight Network for Real-Time Segmentation of.. [45]
28. Fully Automatic Dual-Guidewire Segmentation for Coronary Bifurcati.. [42]
29. A Two-Stage Framework for Real-Time Guidewire Endpoint Localizatio.. [41]
30. Lightweight Double Attention-Fused Networks for Intraoperative Ste.. [39]
31. BARNet: Bilinear Attention Network with Adaptive Receptive Fields .. [39]
32. RAUNet: Residual Attention U-Net for Semantic Segmentation of Cata.. [38]
33. FRR-NET: Fast Recurrent Residual Networks for Real-Time Catheter S.. [30]
34. CAU-net: A Novel Convolutional Neural Network for Coronary Artery .. [24]
35. Recognition of Endovascular Manipulations using Recurrent Neural N.. [23]
36. TR-GAN: Multi-session future MRI prediction with temporal recurren.. [17]
37. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of technical skills in per.. [16]
38. BGL-Net: A brain-inspired global-local information fusion network .. [16]
39. An interventionist-behavior-based data fusion framework for guidew.. [15]
40. Tracking natural guidewire manipulations with an improved data glo.. [13]
41. PCA-Based Muscle Selection for Interventional Manipulation Recogni.. [9]
42. Prediction of natural guidewire rotation using an sEMG-based NARX .. [7]