当前检索式 ((ALL:China Postdoctoral Science Foundation[2018T111023]))
限定条件 ((收录类别:SCI) AND (出处:IEEE JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL ENGINEERING IN HEALTH AND MEDICINE-JTEHM) AND (发表日期:2018) AND (语种:英语) AND (资助机构:International Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Exchange Projects in Shaanxi Province) AND (资助项目:China Postdoctoral Science Foundation[2018T111023]) AND (资助项目:Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities[JB180205]) AND (资助项目:International Scientific and Technological Cooperation and Exchange Projects in Shaanxi Province[2017KW-005]) AND (文献类型:期刊论文) AND (专题:中国科学院分子影像重点实验室))
China Postdoctoral S 1 Fundamental Research 1 International Scient 1
National Natural Sci 1 National Natural Sci 1 National Natural Sci 1